200+ Names for Medium-Sized Dogs

When you think about something that is in the middle of two extremes, it seems to be a rather unremarkable thing – neither big or small and you might dismiss it as being of little interest. But when it comes to dogs, that would be a huge mistake.
Some of the very best breeds of dog are medium-sized and in fact this term covers everything from the Bulldog and the Corgi to the Husky and the Golden Retriever.
Accordingly, there are so many fantastic medium-sized dog names that would be perfectly suited to one of these breeds. So forget about common or normal, come join us on a journey through all the names that sit in the middle. We just know you will find an incredible medium-sized dog name on our list.
♀️ Female Medium-Sized Dog Names for Your Lady Love
Almost everyone in the world has a middle name – some of us even have multiple names between our first name and surname. Here are some of the most popular middle names for girls. We adore the name “Mae” for a Cocker Spaniel lady – a pretty name for a pretty girl
Over the past few years, we have curated more than 20,000 dog names.
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Anne | popular middle name |
Elizabeth | popular middle name |
Grace | popular middle name |
Jane | popular middle name |
June | June is the month in the middle of the year |
Louise | popular middle name |
Lynn | popular middle name |
Mae | popular middle name |
Marie | popular middle name |
Rose | popular middle name |
Sue | popular middle name |
♂️ Male Medium-Sized Dog Names for Your Regal Boy
There are some truly classic boy middle names on this list and it’s a hard choice just picking one. We love the name “Norm” for a Boxer because they have those goofy eyes. And if you are looking for something a little fancier, how about “Alexander”?
Alexander | popular middle name |
David | popular middle name |
Henry | popular middle name |
James | popular middle name |
Matthew | popular middle name |
Michael | popular middle name |
Noah | popular middle name |
Norm | short for normal (a synonym for average which also means the median) |
Paul | popular middle name |
Reg | short for regular (a synonym of average which also means the median) |
Richard | popular middle name |
Thomas | popular middle name |
😁 Funny Medium-Sized Dog Names for Your Crazy Pup
Now if you don’t finish this list in a fit of giggles, well then we don’t know! We love the name “Floof” for a Samoyed – the fluffiest cuddle bugs ever! And you can’t beat “Mohawk” for a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Booger | boogers come out your nose and your nose is in the middle of your head |
Chuckles | halfway between a laugh and being serious |
Cyclops | for an eye in the middle of the forehead |
Equi | Short for equidistant which is the medium point of something |
Floof | for chest fluff |
Giggles | halfway between a laugh and being serious |
Mohawk | a style of hair where there is a stripe of hair down the middle of your head and the rest of your head is shaved |
Snout | because the snout is in the middle of your face |
So-So | means something is OK – midway between awful and amazing |
Zap | for the zap sign (made with the middle finger) |
🦁 Medium-Sized Dog Names Inspired By Awesome Animals
The Animal Kingdom is full of medium-sized inspiration when it comes to naming your furry friend. We think “Skunk” is a great name for a Border Collie.
Armadillo | medium-sized mammal with a hard shell |
Baboon | a medium-sized mammal – “Babs” or “Babbi” for short |
Badger | medium-sized omnivore |
Bilby | desert dwelling marsupial omnivore |
Bobcat | medium-sized wild cat – “Bob” or “Bobby” for short |
Carcajou | another name for the wolverine – “Jou-Jou” for short |
Coyote | medium-sized species of canine – close relative of the wolf |
Fisher | a medium-sized predator that belongs to the weasel family |
Fox | medium-sized omnivorous dog-like mammal – “Foxxy” is a good nickname |
Honey Badger | “Honey” for short – short-legged omnivores of a mid-size |
Kangaroo | medium-sized Australian marsupial – “Kanga” or “Roo” for short |
Koala | medium-sized Australian marsupial |
Lion | a medium-sized predator |
Lynx | Medium-sized wild cat |
Mink | Medium-sized semi-aquatic carnivorous mammal – “Minky” for short |
Opossum | a medium-sized Australian marsupial – “Opie” or “Possy” for short |
Otter | water-loving carnivorous mammal of a medium size |
Panda | The red Panda is medium sized – “Pandy” for short |
Porcupine | while the porcupine is a large rodent, it is a middle sized animal when compared to other creatures – “Porky” is a great nickname for a dog |
Raccoon | medium-sized mammal native to North America |
Skunk | medium-sized mammal known for its unpleasant smell |
Tasmanian Devil | medium-sized Australian marsupial – So many nickname options – “Taz”, “Tazzy”, “Devil”, “Tazzy-D” |
Wallaby | medium-sized Australian marsupial – “Wally” for short |
Wolverine | a medium-sized solitary mammal thats rather vicious |
Wombat | medium-sized Australian marsupial |
🌋 Name Your Medium-Sized Dog After Geographical Phenomena
Did you know? One of the ways to classify mountains is by their elevation and so its easy to pick out all the ones that are medium-sized. We adore the name “Little Bear” for a Golden Retriever – it’s just the perfect fit for this breed.
Bomber | Bomber Mountain – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Equator | imaginary horizontal line through the middle of the earth |
Gaia | another name for earth, a medium-sized planet |
Hunter | Mt. Hunter – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Iron | the earth's core is made of iron |
Little Bear | Little Bear Peak – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Mars | medium-sized planet |
Meridian | Greenwich Meridian – imaginary vertical line through the middle of the earth – “Meri” for short |
Nebo | Mount Nebo – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Shani | Mt. Shani – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Shasta | Mt. Shasta – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Sneffels | Mt. Sneffels – class 2 elevation (between class 1 small and class 3 big) |
Tellus | another name for earth, a medium-sized planet |
Terra | another name for earth, a medium-sized planet |
Venus | medium-sized planet |
🫅 Dog Names Based on Medium-Sized Historical Figures and Famous People
The average height for males is 5 ft 9 and for females it's 5 ft 4 – so here is the list celebrating some well-known celebrities who are of an average height. There are so many incredible celebrities to choose from, but we quite like the idea of calling your female Siberian Husky “Madonna” – they are both known to be quite highly strung and its common knowledge how much Huskies love to “sing”.
50 cent | 50 cent the rapper because 50c is halfway to 1 dollar |
Betty | Betty White was 5 ft 4 – actress |
Bieber | Justin Bieber is 5 ft 9 – singer |
Bon Jovi | Jon Bon Jovi is 5 ft 9 – singer |
Brando | Marlon Brando was 5 ft 9 – actor |
Britney | Britney Spears is 5 ft 4 – singer |
Caleb | Caleb Followill – the middle brother in Kings of Leon – band |
Chan | Jackie Chan is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Cruz | Penelope Cruz is 5 ft 4 – actress |
Eddie | Eddie Murphy is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Hardy | Tom Hardy is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Hopkins | Anthony Hopkins is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Jackson | Michael Jackson was 5 ft 9 – singer |
Joe | The middle Jonas Brother – singer |
Knight | Gladys Knight is 5 ft 4 – singer |
Kurt | Kurt Cobain was 5 ft 9 – singer |
Legend | John Legend is 5 ft 9 – singer |
Leonardo | Leonardo da Vinci was 5 ft 9 – painter |
Liza | Liza Minnelli is 5 ft 4 – actress |
Lizzy | Lizzy Caplan is 5 ft 4 – actress |
Madonna | she is 5 ft 4 – singer |
Megan | Megan Fox is 5 ft 4 – actress |
Mila | Mila Kunis is 5 ft 4 – actress |
Renner | Jeremy Renner is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Steve | Steve Carell is 5 ft 9 – actor |
Tolkien | J.R.R. Tolkien is 5 ft 9 – author |
Whoopi | Whoopi Goldberg is 5 ft 4 – actress |
🍪 Fun Dog Names Inspired by Medium-Sized Food and Drinks
Finding medium-sized food and drink inspiration is not as easy as you might think, but we think we have a great list of average sized foods to name your pup after. We adore the name “Lamb Chop” and who wouldn’t love a puppy named “Fuzzy Navel”?
Bagel |
Biscuit (only the middle sized ones) |
Brie (for the cheese – its a medium sized cheese) |
Cookie (the medium sized ones, naturally) |
Cosmo (for the cosmopolitan cocktail) |
Crumpet |
Cupcake |
Donut |
Fizz (for fizzy soda in a can) |
Fuzzy Navel (a cocktail of peach schnapps and orange juice) |
Gimlet (lime syrup and gin cocktail) |
Java Joe (for a medium sized cup of coffee) |
Lamb Chop |
Mango |
Mojito (for the cocktail) |
Muffin |
Pancake |
Papaya |
Peach |
Pie |
Pork Chop |
Portobello (for the mushrooms) |
Schnitzel |
Scone |
Spud (for potatoes) |
Squash |
Tart |
👌 Super Cool Medium-Sized Dog Names for Your Super Cool Puppy
Staffies are such cool dogs – they exude calm and look like little bodybuilders. There are some great names here for all the cool dog breeds out there. We love the names “Jogger” and “Chevvy”.
Chevvy | Chevrolet Malibu is a mid sized car |
Em | “M” is the middle letter of the alphabet |
Jogger | Dacia Jogger is a mid sized car |
Kia | Kia Optima is a mid sized car |
Mod | short for moderate |
Ridge | for the line of fur that runs down a Rhodesian Ridgeback (a medium sized dog) |
Ruff | a profuse growth of hair on the front of a dogs neck – this is usually in the middle |
Six | halfway between 0 and 10 (half is 5.5 which gets rounded up to 6) |
Sonata | Hyundai Sonata is a mid sized car |
Tee | T-shirt – a medium sized item of clothing |
😍 Cute Dog Names For All Medium-Sized Pups
All dogs are cute, but you can’t beat the name “Floppy” for a Basset Hound – it just doesn’t get more fitting than that!
Bob | A bob refers to a haircut that is best suited to medium length hair |
Floppy | A Basset Hound is a medium sized dog with floppy ears |
Golden | For the golden mean – the desirable middle between 2 extremes |
Medi | short for medium |
Middling | another word for the medium point |
Midi | the medium point in the middle |
Plume | a feathered tail that curls over the dogs back – tails are in the middle of the dogs rear end |
Pretty | the halfway point between ugly and beautiful |
Toby | Toby Tall refers to the middle finger in the popular children's rhyme |
Topknot | a tuft of hair on the top of a dogs head in the middle |
🌿 Medium-Sized Dog Names Inspired by Beautiful Nature
The great outdoors is always a great place to look for inspiration when naming your dog. We think “Maple” is the best name for an Irish Red Setter.
Buckeye | Red Buckeye is a medium sized tree |
Bushy | Bushes are bigger than flowers and smaller than trees |
Crab | Crabapple trees are medium sized |
Dwarf | Dwarf Alberta Spruce is a medium sized tree |
Hawthorn | Cockspur Hawthorn is a medium sized tree |
Magnolia | “Mags” for short – the Saucer Magnolia is a medium sized tree |
Maple | Japanese Maple is a medium sized tree |
Myrtle | Crepe Myrtle is a medium sized tree |
Pawpaw | The Pawpaw tree is medium sized |
Redbud | Eastern Redbud is a medium sized plant |
🎥 Medium-Sized Dog Names Inspired by Cool Characters in Movies, TV Shows and Books
Are you a middle child? The middle kid often gets a bad rap as being the most difficult or the hardest work because they're neither the oldest or the youngest. Whether or not you believe in birth order influencing your personality, you have to agree that the middle children on this list have awesome names! We have to say, we love the idea of a puppy called “John Darling”.
Avery | Avery Jennings was the middle child in Dog with a Blog | Female |
Bennet | Mary Bennet – the middle sister in Pride and Prejudice | Female |
Darwin | Darwin Watterson – the middle sibling in the Amazing World of Gumball | Male |
John Darling | The middle child in Peter Pan | Male |
Juan | Juan Wagner – middle sibling in Instant family | Male |
Kim | Kim Kardashian, the middle Kardashian sister from Keeping up with the Kardashians | Female |
Lisa | Lisa Simpson – middle child in the Simpsons | Female |
Luisa | Luisa Madrigal – the middle sister in Encanto | Female |
Malcolm | Malcolm in the middle | Male |
Marianne | Marianne Dashwood – the middle sister in Sense and Sensibility | Female |
Mary | Mary Sanderson was the middle sister in Hocus Pocus | Female |
Mitzy | Mitzy Stillman is the middle sister in Charmed | Female |
Tanner | Stephanie Tanner was the middle child in Full House | Female |
🧳 Dog Names Inspired by the Foreign Words for Medium-Sized
We love the trend of naming your dog something that highlights the origins of their breed. We think naming your Shiba Inu “Heikin” is simply awesome. “Meio” is also a great name for a Portuguese Water Dog.
Chuukan | the word medium in Japanese |
Heikin | the word average in Japanese |
Kati | the word medium in Swahili |
Mediana | the feminine form of the word median in Spanish and Italian |
Medio | the word medium in Spanish and Italian and Portuguese |
Meio | the word middle in Portuguese |
Mezzo | the word middle in Italian |
Midden | the word middle in Dutch |
Milieu | the word middle in French |
Mitte | the word middle in German |
Mittel | the word medium in German |
Seredina | the word middle in Russian |
Wasat | the word middle in Arabic |
Wastani | the word average in Swahili |
🐲 Mythological Inspiration for Naming your Medium-Sized Dog
Mythology is always a popular choice for dog names. Our top pick here is “Phoenix”
Cerberus | a 3 headed dog that guards the entrance to hades |
Hippocampus | half horse half fish |
Hippogriff | half eagle half horse |
Nemean | Nemean Lion – lion with an inpenetrable hide – from Greek mythology |
Pegasus | flying horse |
Phoenix | a fire bird that regenerates when it dies |
Thestral | phantom like skeletal horse with bat like wings and white eyes |
Unicorn | a horse with a horn – usually have magical powers |
🎮 Medium-Sized Dog Names Based on Video Games Characters
There are a whole bunch of medium-sized video game characters you can look to for dog names. We love “Daisy Mae” for a girl dog and “Knuckles” for a boy. Who is your favorite character?
Bandicoot | Crash Bandicoot – medium-sized character |
Blathers | Animal Crossing – medium-sized owl |
Crash | Crash Bandicoot – medium-sized character |
Cream | Sonic the Hedgehog – he's medium-sized! |
Creeper | Minecraft – medium-sized mob |
Daisy Mae | Animal Crossing – she is a medium-sized boar |
Flip | Animal Crossing – he's a medium-sized monkey |
Isabel | Animal Crossing – she is a medium-sized dog |
Knuckles | Sonic the Hedgehog – he's an echidna which is medium-sized |
Mabel | Animal Crossing – she's a blue hedgehog of medium size |
Pashma | Animal Crossing – she's a medium-sized goat |
Sonic | Sonic the Hedgehog – he's medium-sized! |
Tails | Sonic the Hedgehog – a medium-sized fox |
Tom Nook | Animal Crossing – he's a medium-sized raccoon |
🏈 Sporty Names for Your Center Field Puppy
The Springer Spaniel is one of the very athletic medium-sized dog breeds and these types of dogs should have a sporty name to match their energetic spirit. Have a look through our top picks of sports stars in the center position on their team. We love the names “Otto”, “Ringo” and “Rio”.
Ash | Ash Brazill – plays center on the Australian netball team |
Bongiwe | Bongiwe Msomi – plays center on the South African netball team |
Brian | Brian O'Driscoll – famous Irish rugby center |
Danie | Danie Gerber – famous South African rugby center |
Gunner | Frank “Gunner” Gatski played center in the NFL |
Nesta | Alessandro Nesta – center back position in soccer |
Otto | Jim Otto played center in American football |
Par | average amount of shots in golf |
Rieko | Rieko Ioane – one of the All Blacks centers |
Ringo | Jim Ringo played center in the NFL |
Rio | Rio Ferdinand – center back position in soccer |
Shaquille | Shaquille ‘O Neal played center position in the middle of the court |
Last Thoughts
We hope we have convinced you that being in the middle is anything but boring and that you have come away with some great ideas for naming your medium-sized dog. Let us know your favorite name in the comments.
I’m Shelley, a content creator and copywriter from Wicklow in the Irish countryside. I am a big animal lover, so writing about dogs is a dream come true! I’m the crazy lady who will stop you in the street while you’re out walking your dog to give it cuddles. I adore all dogs, but I would have to say the big slobbery ones are my favorite.