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Argentine Dogo, Argentinian Mastiff, El Gran Perro Argentino
The Dogo Argentino has become, as a result of many crossbreeds, a superb dog that is elegant, gentle, affectionate and tender. He has great physical strength and a pronounced fighting side. Well educated, trained and socialized, the Dogo Argentino can become the best companion for life.
Very controversial because of his abilities, the Dogo Argentino is balanced and naturally submissive to humans. Gentle with all, he is nevertheless an excellent guardian. However, he is not aggressive but rather dissuasive.
Dominant towards his peers, he is sometimes rowdy with other canine males. He is very docile by nature and his education is easy but must be firm.
Of medium size despite the length of his limbs, the Dogo Argentino has a particularly harmoniously proportioned silhouette. His constitution is robust and strong and his muscles powerful and well developed.
It is also easy to see all his strong muscles under his flexible and solid skin. His gait and step are calm but firm. He has a very athletic physique.
Between 62 and 68 cm (24.41 to 26.77 inches) for the male
Between 60 and 65 cm (23.62 to 25.59 inches) for the female
Between 40 and 54 kg (88.18 to 119.05 pounds) for the male
Between 40 and 54 kg (88.18 to 119.05 pounds) for the female
The dress of the Dogo Argentino is usually white. It can sometimes be spotted with black.
His short coat is smooth and very soft to the touch. About 2 cm (1 inch) long, its density and thickness can easily vary according to the climate.
His almond-shaped eyes are usually a beautiful dark color. His triangular ears are of medium length. They are often cut and erect. His broad nose is black. His large tail is long and naturally drooping.
According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 2, section 2 and is #292
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Take the quizCreated for hunting in Argentinean territory, the real aptitudes of the Dogo Argentino are now more oriented towards guarding, protecting, searching and companionship.
His elegance and great beauty also make him a very appreciated dog for dog shows.
The Dogo Argentino can live just about anywhere as long as he can benefit from good daily exercise. He lives very easily indoors and needs little space as long as he is close to his own.
Despite his fighting genes with multiple cross-breeding dogs, he is a very gentle animal that loves to be petted and cuddled. His family is very important to him and he protects them at all cost.
He tolerates heat very well but does not like the cold, so he often prefers the cosy interior of the fireplace to the outdoor garden.
As he is dominant by nature, he needs to be well educated to prevent him from becoming aggressive. Socialization must be instilled at a very early age because he has difficulty cohabiting with his peers, especially those of the same sex.
Males tend to fight among themselves unlike females who are quite sociable. The Dogo Argentino is an excellent dog but his strength and physical advantages can become a dangerous weapon if the dog is put in the hands of irresponsible owners.
Keep in mind that the Dogo Argentino must be firmly educated and well controlled by his master because he can be awful for both animals and humans if he is not properly trained.
He is robust and strong and does not suffer from any particular pathology except for a few cases of hip dysplasia, but the disease is not present in all specimens.
Some cases of deafness were also found in dogs entirely white. They are not frequent or numerous but there are still a few. His growth is to be watched as with all the molossus and his life expectancy is nevertheless appreciable.
He is very easy to maintain and only needs a good brushing from time to time. No other special maintenance is required.
Created at the beginning of the 20th century by the brothers Antonio and Augustin Nores Martinez for big game hunting, he was also adapted for hunting in Argentinean territory.
The two brothers thus opted for the qualities of fighting dogs while improving the physical strength and size of the dog. The Dogo Argentino was a source of income for the poorest and of leisure for the richest.
Hunting being very popular at the beginning of the 20th century and the Nores Martinez brothers passionate about it, they decided to multiply crossbreeding in order to obtain a new breed specifically adapted for hunting. The first breed used was the native breed, the Pero de Pelea del Cordoba.
Many breeds were later added such as the Great Dane, Pointer, Irish Wolfhound, Pyrenean Mastiff, English Bulldog, Dogue de Bordeaux, Bull Terrier, Mastiff and Boxer.
White as a background color was then determined to easily differentiate the dog from potential game and thus avoid shooting the dog instead of the game.
In 1928, the breed received its first standard and the Argentinean Mastiff Club of Cordoba was created in 1969. It was not until 1973 that he was officially recognized by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale).
From his creation as hunting dog in Argentinean terrain, he has become today an excellent search dog for drugs or buried people, guard dog and much appreciated companion dog. The many crossbreeds have greatly contributed to making him a very exceptional dog.
Is all the marketing hype worth it? Did our dogs enjoy them? Here’s our dogs’ totally honest review.
I want to get a guard dog since I’m often not around and the house is empty whenever I go to work. Thanks for letting us know that even though Dogo Argentinos have a gentle temperament, they still make an excellent guardian since they are dissuasive rather than aggressive. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for Dogo Argentino puppies for sale.