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Is all the marketing hype worth it? Did our dogs enjoy them? Here’s our dogs’ totally honest review.
Despite his many qualities, the Flat-coated Retriever is less known than his cousins, the Golden Retriever and Labrador. Even if he should not be put in any hands, the Flat-coated Retriever is an excellent dog, devoted to his master, for which he has lots of affection. His mind must be constantly occupied by physical exercise. Once his energy is spent, he becomes calm and docile. At this time, he loves to return to the cozy comfort of the home, where he will be able to show his affection for his family. Like his peers, the Labrador and Golden Retriever, the Flat-coated Retriever benefits from being discovered, whether as a companion, hunting, search or guide dog.
Like all Retrievers, he has a natural instinct for hunting. Happy, kind and sociable, he loves children and other animals.
Excellent swimmer, he loves water, like other members of the Retriever category.
Never aggressive, he is gentle and nervous, and requires a lot of physical activity. He loves going out.
He hates solitude, and loves to play all kinds of games with his masters. Work is part of his nature, and he will retain his energetic and dynamic behavior in all circumstances.
Excellent hunting dog, he is also sought after as a companion, guide and search dog.
This magnificent animal has the silhouette of the Setter, combined with the exceptional appearance of the Newfoundland. He looks like a miniature and slimmed down Newfoundland, like the Setter.
Of medium size, his structure is powerful, but never heavy. This retriever at heart has a very unique look.
Between 59 and 61 cm (23.23 to 24.02 inches) for the male
Between 56 and 59 cm (22.05 to 23.23 inches) for the female
Between 27 and 36 kg (59.52 to 79.37 pounds) for the male
Between 25 and 32 kg (55.12 to 70.55 pounds) for the female
His dress is uniform and black or liver brown.
His hair, very full like the Newfoundland, is thick and very flat.
His head is elongated like the Setter's, and has a moderately broad and flat skull.
His eyes are medium size, and hazelnut or dark brown. His small ears are hanging and close on both sides of the head.
His nose is in harmony with his coat. His tail does not rise above the back but is carried cheerfully.
According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 8, section 2 and is #121
Like all other Retrievers, he loves to swim and play. It is even preferable that he lives near water. If this is not possible, it is recommended that he gets access to water as often as possible, where he can play as much as he likes. He has lots of energy, so needs to get plenty of exercise.
He is very feisty, and should be held strongly during walks. However, sporty and country people will be very happy with such a companion. He is easy to train, but as he keeps his puppy behavior for a long time, his education should not be neglected. It must be undertaken very early.
He gets along with everyone, humans and animals alike. If he can spend his energy intensively on a daily basis, he will be very calm at home. Even if he can live outside, he prefers the company of his family.
This very robust dog is not affected by any pathology, except hip dysplasia, but this is not always the case.
This pathology is not really related to the breed, but rather on a case by case basis. In general, he is rarely ill and enjoys excellent health. His need for exercise is high however, and his life expectancy is good.
An energetic brushing every week will be very effective for his fur. Exercise should also be part of his daily routine. He needs to move as much as possible to be healthy and fulfilled.
Even though he was selected in England as a hunting dog, the Flat-coated Retriever comes from the island of Newfoundland in Canada.
Less known than his cousins the Golden Retriever or the Labrador, the Flat-coated Retriever is still part of the large family of Retrievers.
Having as ancestors the Newfoundland himself and the Irish Setter, he excels at swimming, even in the coldest waters, and thanks to his Setter genes, is very good at pointing game, and has a very nervous temperament, excellent for hunting.
He was very popular in the last century in England, but the breed gradually lost its popularity to the Golden Retriever and Labrador.
Commonly used in France as a dog for blind people, the breed is gradually gaining in popularity. The interest has increased.
Is all the marketing hype worth it? Did our dogs enjoy them? Here’s our dogs’ totally honest review.