Norwich Terrier

Despite all of his beautiful qualities, the Norwich Terrier is not very widespread, nor well known. However, this pleasant little companion has a lot of skills, which can make the happiness of many dog lovers. This nice "little four-legged devil" deserves to be known on a larger scale. Even if the breed is not widespread worldwide, it is still possible to obtain specimens in different countries, in European territory, as well as in American territory. The Norwich Terrier is slowly but surely developing his popularity.

Height 24 to 26 cm
Weight 5 to 5 kg
Life expectancy 12 to 14 years
Home country United Kingdom (UK)

Quick Overview of the Norwich Terrier


  • Fearless and cheerful
  • Gentle and kind
  • Obeying
  • Very affectionate


  • Low on legs
  • Rather solid and stocky
  • Excellent bones
  • Good capacity for work


  • Solid build
  • Rarely ill
  • Long life expectancy

Temperament of the Norwich Terrier

Fearless, cheerful, gentle, obedient, amiable and very affectionate, the Norwich Terrier is nonetheless endowed with a very strong character for a dog of his size.

His natural stubbornness requires a firm hand and proper training. Socialization, on the other hand, is generally relatively easy.

Cheerful and very lively, this adorable little dog is ideal for both the countryside and the city. He can live anywhere without any particular issue.

He can adapt to all family situations, as long as he benefits from regular contact with his master, whom he adores. He makes an excellent companion for young, old, elder and even for those with reduced mobility.

The Norwich Terrier is dynamic and very playful, constantly seeking the affection and attention of his loved ones. This cuddle enthusiast has a tender heart.

He is very sociable with everyone, but keeps a certain reserve towards strangers. Very courageous despite his small size, he proves to be an excellent guardian, protecting his family and their property against all malicious intrusions.

norwich terrier personnalité

Breed Appearance

norwich terrier

The Norwich Terrier is one of the smallest specimens belonging to the large Terrier family. Low on legs, he is rather solid and stocky.

He has excellent bones, giving him great physical strength. The Norwich Terrier has character, showing his capacity for work, while revealing his playful and affectionate temperament.


Between 24 and 26 cm (9.45 to 10.24 inches) for the male
Between 24 and 26 cm (9.45 to 10.24 inches) for the female


Between 5 and 5 kg (11.02 to 11.02 pounds) for the male
Between 5 and 5 kg (11.02 to 11.02 pounds) for the female


The color of his coat can vary between wheat, red, grey, black and tan and is found in all shades of fawn.


The harsh, rough, and wiry hair of the Norwich Terrier's coat is flat and straight. He has a very abundant undercoat.

The hair around the neck forms a pretty collar around the head. It is smoother and shorter on the head, and the Norwich Terrier has eyebrows and whiskers.


His broad head, with a slightly rounded skull, has a well marked stop, and a muzzle reminiscent of a fox.

His small dark eyes are oval in shape. His ears are medium size, straight and have a pointed tip.

His small nose is black. His tail can be left natural or shortened, as the case may be, but always ends the back line, standing perfectly straight.

According to the FCI breeds nomenclature, this breed belongs to group 3, section 2 and is #72

Price and monthly budget

Price you can expect to pay for a Norwich Terrier puppy: between and
These prices are indicative and may vary from breeder to breeder

Norwich Terrier pictures

Tips About this breed

The Norwich Terrier is slightly stubborn. He must be well educated and precocious. In order to prevent him from doing as he pleases while growing, the master must be firm and quickly set the limits, so that he doesn't become the little leader.

Education must therefore be adequate and uncompromising. The education must live up to his strong and rather stubborn character.

His socialization, on the other hand, does not generally pose any problem. In spite of his reserve towards strangers, he is naturally very sociable, as much with humans as with the other animals in the family.

Originally created for hunting rats, he is very efficient for hunting small garden pests, having retained his hunting instinct.

Overflowing with energy, he must be able to exercise regularly in order to maintain his mental and physical balance.

Given his small size, it is very easy to provide him with a space where he can regularly spend his energy.

Health of the Norwich Terrier

This small dog, very hardy and solidly built, is rarely sick. He generally enjoys excellent health.

Very robust, this gentle little companion can easily withstand low temperatures, his coat protecting him greatly from the cold. Healthy dogs generally enjoy a very good life expectancy.


His "wiry" coat requires daily energetic brushing to keep it clean, beautiful and healthy.

However, no further special maintenance is required in his case. His coat remains very easy to care for and requires little time.

History of this breed

Originally from Great Britain, the Norwich Terrier shares his origins with the Norfolk Terrier. Both were born in the county of Norwich, in Northeast England, and the two breeds were long considered to be one.

His name Norwich Terrier comes from the city where he was created in 1870, the English city of Norwich. He is apparently the result of a cross between the Yorkshire and Irish Terrier.

At that time, the Norwich Terrier was created to track down rats, a common problem in Europe at the time, where pests were invading the streets of large cities.

In 1930, the Norwich Terrier Club was formed, and the breed was officially recognized in 1932, after blood supplies from other breeds of Terriers were added.

The Norwich Terrier was then found in two varieties, one with floppy ears and the other with erect ears. In 1964, the erect ear variety became the Norwich Terrier and the floppy ear variety became the Norfolk Terrier.

The two breeds were then considered to be completely separate, rather than being seen as two varieties within the same breed.

This adorable little dog has remained a true hunter at heart, despite his small size. He is very versatile, and can easily penetrate burrows to indicate where game is located or simply to dislodge it.

Created first and foremost to hunt rats, he became an adorable little companion dog. Today, more prized for this task than for hunting, he brings a presence and a beautiful joy of life to his family, making the whole household happy.

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