170+ Game of Thrones Dog Names

Of course, Ghost is the best good boy and one of the most popular Game of Thrones dog names, but there really are so many to choose from. This is why we’ve listed out every possible doggy Game of Thrones name for you to choose from. From the classic dire wolves to the lesser-known locations – we’ve got them all covered.
And a quick tip? Before choosing your pup’s name remember you need to call it in the dog park. That really can make all the difference.
Dire Wolf Names
Of course, we’re going to start off with the actual dogs in the series. And yes, they were dogs and not wolves.
Northern Inuit Dogs were used in the filming of Game of Thrones and each puppy was adopted by one of the Stark children. Although ideal for large breeds such as German Shepherds or Huskies, we think these names are great for almost any dog. Just maybe don’t call your Xolo ‘Shaggydog’.
Over the past few years, we have curated more than 20,000 dog names.
In just a few easy steps, you can discover a wide array of wonderful names, each selected to match your dog’s size, color, gender, personality, and beyond. Plus, there's the option to save your top picks and share them with friends or family.
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Ghost | Jon's dire wolf |
Grey Wind | Rob's dire wolf |
Lady | Sansa's dire wolf |
Nymeria | Arya's dire wolf |
Shaggydog | Rickon's dire wolf |
Summer | Bran's dire wolf |
Game of Thrones Dog Names Inspired By Male Characters
There’s such a variety in the names chosen by George R. R. Martin. Everything from Jon and Robert to the Night King and Hot Pie (we also didn’t realize his name was actually Hot Pie). Here are some of the well-loved characters to call your pooch!
Benjen | The first ranger of the Night’s Watch (perfect for a Doberman) |
Bran | Fourth Stark child and the current Three-Eyed Raven |
Bronn | Tyrion Lannister’s loyal bodyguard |
Daario | Enforcer and advisor to Daenerys Targaryen |
Davos | Knight to Stannis Baratheon |
Dickon | We’re going to suggest you don’t shout that across the park |
Euron | One of the most-feared pirates of the Ironborn |
Gendry | Unacknowledged bastard of King Robert Baratheon and skilled blacksmith |
Grey Worm | Might be an odd name for a dog but he’s a favorite of the Mother of Dragons |
Hodor | Loyal servant to House Stark. Perfect name for an Old English Sheepdog |
Hot Pie | ‘Sit, Hot Pie. Roll over, Hot Pie.’ Can you imagine it? |
Jaime | Eldest son of Tywin Lannister also known as the Kingslayer |
Jaqen | One of the faceless men of Braavos, trainer of Arya Stark |
Jeor | Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch |
Joffrey | No good boy deserves that name |
Jon | All good boys deserve that name |
Jorah | Lord from Westeros and advisor to Daenerys Targaryen |
Khal | Leader of the Dothraki Khalasar |
Littlefinger | Cunning and manipulative, Littlefinger was Master of Coin for King Robert Baratheon |
Mance | Mance Rayder, leader of the Free Folk and King Beyond the Wall |
Ned/Eddard | Head of House Stark. Perfect for a loyal doggo |
Oberyn | Great fighter from House Martell |
Petyr | The manipulator Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger |
Pycelle | Grand Maester Pycelle. Great for a wise old pup |
Qyburn | Unethical former Maester who becomes Hand of the Queen to Cersei |
Ramsay | Who can forget the Battle of the Bastards? Not us. A risky name for any loveable pup! |
Red Viper | The nickname for Oberyn Martell. Maybe for an Irish Setter? |
Reek | Aka Theon Greyjoy. Probably not a good idea to call your pup Reek |
Renly | Youngest Baratheon brother to inherit the throne after Joffrey |
Rickon | Youngest of the Stark sons. And another reason you shouldn’t name your dog Ramsay |
Robb | King of the North! Out of respect, not a name for any red doggos |
Robert | King Robert Baratheon, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms |
Roose | Lord Roose Bolton. A very cute name for a new dog! |
Samwell | Steward of the Night’s Watch and John Snow’s best friend. This could be a great male Game of Thrones name for a Pug! |
Sparrow | Newly appointed High Septon and leader of the very religious sect ‘the Sparrows’. A good name for a sighthound! |
Stannis | Lord of Dragonstone and the middle Baratheon brother |
The Hound | The winner when it comes to Game of Thrones dog names |
Theon | Theon Greyjoy, heir to the Iron Islands. A good choice for a water-loving pup like a Golden Retriever! |
Tommen | The younger brother of Joffrey Baratheon |
Tormund | A famous character amongst the Free Folk who becomes Jon Snow’s friend |
Tyrion | Oh Tyrion Lannister. Younger brother to Cersei and Jamie Lannister, Tyrion is a great choice for any wise dog |
Tywin | Head of House Lannister, Tywin is one of the main characters of Game of Thrones until he was killed on the toilet by Tyrion! |
Varys | A eunuch and the Master of Whispers. A good choice for any… neutered pups! |
Viserys | Viserys of House Targaryen, older brother to Daenerys Targaryen |
Game of Thrones Dog Names Inspired by Female Characters
Mother of Dragons, Queens, Faceless (Wo)men – there are a number of popular Game of Thrones female characters to go for. Which will you choose for your new dog?
Brienne | Brienne of Tarth is a great character and a beautiful name for a blonde and strong pup! |
Catelyn | Wife and key advisor to Ned Stark, she’s also mother to all the Stark children and a wise character |
Cersei | Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is a powerful and iconic Game of Thrones character |
Crane | An actress in Izembaro’s traveling theater company |
Ellaria | What a beautiful name for a Labradoodle puppy. Ellaria is the lover of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne |
Gilly | A free folk and the pregnant lover of Samwell Tarly |
Lysa | Daughter of Hoster Tully and married to Jon Arryn |
Margaery | Wife of Joffrey Baratheon and Queen Consort and eventually killed by Cersei Lannister |
Meera | Both Meera and her brother Jojen help Bran and believe he is important in the upcoming war |
Melisandre | The perfect name for a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Melisandre, aka the Red Priestess |
Missandei | Former slave and handmaiden to Daenerys |
Myrcella | The only daughter of Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei (although her father is actually Jaime Lannister) |
Obara | An incredible warrior, Obara is the eldest daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell |
Olenna | The wise matriarch of House Tyrell and grandmother to Margaery |
Osha | Former Free Folk, Osha became a loyal servant and fighter for House Stark |
Sansa | One of the most famous Game of Thrones characters, Sansa is already a popular dog and child name! |
Septa Unella | Can you really imagine calling that out at the park? |
Shae | The beautiful lover of Tyrion Lannister |
Talisa | Wife of the King of the North, Robb Stark. Again, not a name for a red dog breed. |
Tyene | One of the Sand Snakes in Dorne |
Yara | The Ironborn Queen and older sister to Theon Greyjoy |
Ygritte | Warrior of the Free Folk (wildlings) and Jon Snow’s lover (and wife in real life!) |
Game of Thrones Dragon Names
You can't think of Game of Thrones without thinking about dragons. Especially the notable pets of Daenerys. Names that are good enough for her scaly best friends are good enough for your furry ones. You might need to practice the pronunciation of a few first!
Archonei | The dragon whose skull is in the Red Keep in King’s Landing |
Arrax | Dragon ridden by Lucerys Velaryon and was the first to die during the Dance of the Dragons |
Balerion | Nicknamed Black Dread, Balerion was a forceful dragon of House Targaryen |
Cannibal | Not the best name if you want your dog to make friends |
Caraxes | Also known as Blood Worm, this dragon was the first to be ridden by Prince Aemon Targaryen |
Dreamfyre | A beautiful, female, blue dragon – perfect for a blue pup! |
Drogon | One of Daenerys’s three dragons, named after her late husband Drogo |
Essovius | Another dragon whose skull is in the Red Keep in King’s Landing |
Ghiscar | Another dragon in the Red Keep – who knew there were so many! |
Meleys | The Red Queen Dragon ridden by Princess Alyssa Targaryen |
Meraxes | A she-dragon ridden by Rhaenys |
Moondancer | A very quick and thin dragon. Maybe for a Whippet? |
Morghul | A very young dragon that was never ridden |
Quicksilver | A female dragon ridden by King Aenys Targaryen and his son, Aegon Targaryen |
Rhaegal | Another of Daenerys’s three dragons named after her eldest brother, Rhaegal |
Seasmoke | Don’t tell me that’s not a great name for a Silver Lab |
Sheepstealer | And that for a Border Collie |
Shrykos | A dragon born from an egg placed in Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen’s crib |
Silverwing | A beautiful, silver female dragon of the Targaryen family. Perfect for a gray dog breed |
Stormcloud | These dragons have some amazing dog names! Stormcloud was born from an egg in the crib of Prince Aegon Targaryen |
Sunfyre | Sunfyre is said to be the most impressive Dragon of all with golden scales and pink wings! |
Syrax | Her name is inspired by the goddess of Valyria and she was only ridden by Rhaenyra Targaryen |
Terrax | The dragon of Jaenara Belaerys. It’s said she flew her dragon further south than any other! |
Urrax | One of the first ever dragons |
Valryon | One of the Pre-Doom Valyrian dragons whose skull is also in the Red Keep |
Vermax | A dragon ridden by Jacaerys Velaryon who really doesn’t like snow or ice. Not a name for a Husky! |
Vermithor | A dragon with bronze scales and wings – a good choice for a Vizsla! |
Vermithrax | Another dragon in the Red Keep at King’s Landing |
Vhagar | Known as the Queen of all Dragons |
Viserion | The third of Daenerys’s three dragons and named after her elder brother |
Dog Names Inspired by Places In The Game of Thrones Universe
It’s not just the people, dire wolf puppies, and dragons that have great names in Game of Thrones. The cities, landmarks, and houses do too. Whilst it’s maybe not super common to name a dog after a location, we think you’ll agree that some of these are just beautiful!
Ashemark | Ashemark is the main castle in the hilly Westerlands and home to House Marbrand |
Asshai | Asshai is far away from the free cities and is in the southeast of the continent Essos |
Astapor | Aka the Red City, a famous port city in the city-states of Slaver’s Bay |
Braavos | Braavos is one of the richest and most powerful free cities in Westeros |
Casterly | Casterly Rock is the home of the Lannister family. It’s a castle built into a rock full of caves and tunnels |
Dorne | Dorne is the southernmost kingdom of the Seven Kingdoms in the continent of Westeros |
Dragonstone | The castle is on top of the island in Blackwater Bay. A great name for a guard dog! |
Dreadfort | A northern castle and the home of House Bolton |
Essos | A huge area of land to the east of Westeros |
Eyrie | The Eyrie is an impressive castle in the Vale of Arryn and home to House Arryn |
Harrenhal | The largest castle in all of Westeros! |
Highgarden | A slightly odd name to call at the dog park, but it is the castle and home of House Tyrell |
Hightower | An even odder name to call your pup! |
Karhold | The castle of House Karstark in the north |
Lys | A city which covers several islands close to Essos |
Meereen | The most important city in Slaver’s Bay |
Myr | A huge seaport city and one of the Free Cities |
Norvos | Another of the Free Cities east of Westeros |
Pentos | One of the very rich Free Cities and home to the Pentoshi people |
Qarth | A large trading city south of Essos |
Qohor | One of the Free Cities Daenerys visits with Khal Drogo |
Riverrun | Ideal for a Poodle, Lab, Newfoundland… or any other water-loving breed |
Seagard | Also a great one for dogs that love beach days! |
Sunspear | The Capital of Dorne and home to House Nymeros |
Tarth | An Island in the narrow sea made most famous because of Brienne of Tarth |
Tyrosh | A harbor city and one of the Free Cities |
Valyria | Valyria used to be the capital of a great empire but is now a ruined city |
Volantis | The oldest Free City |
Westeros | A large continent separated from Essos by the Narrow Sea. A lot of Game of Thrones happens in Westeros and King’s Landing is the capital |
Winterfell | Capital of the Kingdom of the North and home to the Stark family |
Yunkai | Aka the Yellow City is one of the cities of Slaver’s Bay |
Dog Names Inspired By Words
If you’ve watched all eight seasons of Game of Thrones, you’ll know that there are a lot of unusual words used throughout. Whilst they can get a little confusing, some of them are beautiful names for dogs too!
Crow | The three-eyed crow is a mythical character that lives beyond the wall and appears in Bran’s dreams. Maybe a good option for a black pup! |
Dire wolf | Symbol of the Stark family, each child adopts a cute dire wolf puppy |
Dothraki | A group of nomadic horse warriors. Khaleesi rules them |
Greyscale | A fatal skin disease. Not something you want to call your adorable dog! |
Khaleesi | The name given to Daenerys when she rules the Dothraki. It means Queen |
Maester | Maesters are advisors to lords |
(Milk of the) Poppy | Poppy is a nice name for a pup. Milk of the Poppy is a bit of a mouthful and an anesthetic |
R'hllor | Try shouting that one! He is the Lord of Light, though |
Raven | These big black birds are used to send messages in Game of Thrones |
Sellsword | A type of mercenary who has no allegiance to a lord or house |
Septon | Head of the faith of the Seven Kingdoms |
Turncloak | A disloyal person. Not the name for your beautiful, loyal best friend! |
House of the Dragon Dog Names
In August 2022, Game of Thrones fans finally got what they were waiting for – the first episode of House of the Dragon, a prequel to Game of Thrones. As you’d expect, there are plenty of dragons, characters, and places that would make great doggie names!
Aegon | The sixth King of the Andals and the first son of Viserys Targaryen | Male |
Aemma | King Viserys’ first wife and mother to Rhaenyra | Female |
Aemond | Aemond is the brother of Aegon and only has one eye | Male |
Corlys | Aka Lord of Tides, Sea Snake, and Master of Driftmark | Male |
Criston | Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for Viserys Targaryen | Male |
Daemon | Brother to Viserys Targaryen, he ends up marrying his niece, Rhaenyra Targaryen | Male |
Harwin “Breakbones” | A great name for a dog, right? He’s also known to be the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms | Male |
Jace | His full name is Jacaerys Velaryon and is Rhaenyra Targaryen’s first son | Male |
Jason | Jason is a member of the Lannister family | Male |
Laenor | Son of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen (not to be confused with Rhaenyra Targaren)! | Male |
Larys | He’s the guy with Alicent’s feet. Enough said | Male |
Lucerys | The second son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon | Male |
Lyman | Master of Coin to King Viserys | Male |
Lyonel | The head of House Strong | Male |
Mellos | Mellos the Mastiff? | Male |
Otto | Father of Alicent Hightower and Hand of the King to Viserys | Male |
Tyland | Twin to Jason Lannister, he’s also a knight of House Lannister | Male |
Vaemond | The younger brother of Corlys Velaryon and a knight of the house | Male |
Viserys | Viserys is the fifth King of the Targaryens | Male |
Alicent | Alicent Hightower is the daughter of Otto Hightower and wife of Viserys Targaryen. She’s also Rhaenyra’s childhood best friend | Female |
Baela | The oldest daughter of Laena Valaryon and Daemon Targaryen | Female |
Helaena | The only daughter of Alicent and Viserys. In true Targaryen fashion, she also ends up marrying her brother | Female |
Laena | Daughter of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen. She rode the dragon Vhagar | Female |
Mysaria | Mistress of Daemon Targaryen and Mistress of Whispers to Queen Rhaenyra | Female |
Rhaenyra | The only surviving daughter of King Viserys and his first wife, Aemma | Female |
Rhaenys | The Queen Who Never Was | Female |
How to Choose The Best Game of Thrones Dog Name?
Choosing the right name for your doggo isn’t easy – but it is important. However, the most important thing is that you like the name and it suits your pup. A couple of things to take into consideration or that may help are:
- Sex of Your Dog. That’s actually not even that important – but it may be to some owners. We’re all for mixing it up and calling your girl dog Viserys. Why not?
- What They Look Like. Do you have a beautiful, fair-haired puppy? Then a Targaryen name might suit them really well! Likewise, if you’ve got a bit of a scruffy (but still beautiful) dog, why not go for a Wildling? We also think everyone with a black Poodle should name them Jon.
- What They Act Like. Do you have a water lover? A princess? Or a joker? Naming them after a similar character could be a good idea!
- Can You Pronounce It? It’s you who’s going to be saying it multiple times a day. And we’re still not 100% sure how you say Ghiscar, Ygritte, or Rhaenys.
- What’s Your Favorite? When in doubt, go for your favorite character! Tyrion it is, then!
There are so many great Game of Thrones dog names for you to choose from. Which would you call your pup?
Credits to HBO for all the pictures

I’m Charlotte, a content and copywriter from the North of England and currently living in Berlin. Animals have always been a huge part of my life, so writing about dogs is a total pleasure! I love all kinds of dogs and their cheeky personalities, but I’d have to say Weimaraners are my favourite!