200+ Pokemon Dog Names for Your Pup

Whether you were a fan of the original playing cards or one of the people wandering around the streets on their cell phone in 2016, nearly everyone has heard of Pokemon. The Nintendo game was first released in Japan in 1996 and came to America in 1998 with two titles known as Red and Blue (now that takes you back…)
In the game – for anyone who hasn’t played – players take on the role of Pokemon trainers. Pokemon are creatures and you develop yours to battle other Pokemon. They come in all shapes and sizes and everyone has their own personal favorite that they hope comes up (mine was always Magmar and my brother’s was Onix).
The game was so successful that it’s Nintendo’s second most-bought franchise after the Super Mario Bros! It also has such a wide fan base that there are lots of (normal) people willing to pay (crazy) money for some of the rarer cards. The most expensive card sold for $5.275 million in 2021. That’s right, $5.275 million!
With it being so popular, we of course wanted to come up with the best Pokemon dog names for your pooch. There are lots of super cool Pokemon dogs, as well as adorable, scary, funny, and intelligent Pokemon for you to call your pup after.
Over the past few years, we have curated more than 20,000 dog names.
In just a few easy steps, you can discover a wide array of wonderful names, each selected to match your dog’s size, color, gender, personality, and beyond. Plus, there's the option to save your top picks and share them with friends or family.
It will only take two minutes and it's completely free!
So, which is going to be your favorite?
How to Choose The Best Pokemon Name for Your Dog?
But first, from over 200 names, how can you possibly choose the perfect one for your dog? Here’s our guide for more inspiration.
- Research the Pokemon. Google it or get your old cards out. Most Pokemon have a distinct look which can match well with your dog… or not. After all, you wouldn’t want to call your Doberman “Jigglypuff” would you? Or you might – just because it’s a super cool name.
- Think About Your Dog’s Personality. Pokemon have different abilities and strengths and they differ hugely. Some are cunning and others are more confident. Some can command snow storms and others are described as ‘loving to eat’ (Snorlax). There are some that love water which might suit your pup well too.
It’s a good idea to research any potential Pokemon dog names to make sure they suit your pooch. - Can You Pronounce It? We say pet names a lot every day. So it helps if we can pronounce them and if others can too. Whilst some like Snivy are easier, there are also plenty of Pokemon called Sudowoodo, Meowstic, and Makuhita which might be a bit more difficult.
- Do You Like It? Anyone who is a Pokemon fan has their favorites (I just remembered Ninetales which looks a lot like a fox dog and was another favorite of mine)! And your favorite is always a good place to start. You need to like both the name itself and the Pokemon.
Names of Pokemon That Resemble Dogs
There are so many cute Pokemon names that are inspired by dog-looking Pokemon! Whether you go for Granbull which looks a lot like an English Bulldog or Houndour which is definitely a close relative of the Doberman, there are lots to choose from!
Arcanine |
Boltund |
Eevee |
Electrike |
Furfrou |
Granbull |
Growlithe |
Herdier |
Houndoom |
Houndour |
Lillipup |
Lucario |
Lycanroc |
Manectric |
Mightyena |
Nickit |
Ninetales |
Poochyena |
Riolu |
Rockruff |
Shaymin |
Silvally |
Smeargle |
Snubbull |
Stoutland |
Thievul |
Vulpix |
Yamper |
Zacian |
Zamazenta |
Zoroark |
Zorua |
Cute Pokemon Dog Names
Are you looking for a cute name for your new pup? Pokemon dog names are a great place to look. Not only are the words themselves cute but the Pokemon are adorable too (just look at Squirtle)!
Bidoof |
Celebi |
Chimchar |
Cubchoo |
Eevee |
Froakie |
Grookey |
Jigglypuff |
Komala |
Mew |
Minccino |
Mudkip |
Phanpy |
Pikachu |
Piplup |
Popplio |
Shinx |
Snivy |
Snorlax |
Squirtle |
Togepi |
Torchic |
Treeko |
Woobat |
Funny Pokemon Dog Names
Whether you have a tiny Dachshund or a big Dalmatian, please call them Diglett. Not only is it a cute dog name but Diglett is also adorable (and funny).
Diglett |
Ditto |
Ekans |
Magikarp |
Meowth |
Mr. Mime |
Spoink |
Sudowoodo |
Weepinbell |
Wobbuffet |
Legendary Pokemon Names
Some Pokemon have just made it into the hall of fame. Some because they’re popular, others are rare, and some have the best powers. Whether you go for Rayquaza for boy dogs or Mewtwo for girls, you can’t go wrong with a legendary Pokemon name.
Arceus |
Articuno |
Azelf |
Cresselia |
Dialga |
Entei |
Giratina |
Groudon |
Heatran |
Ho-Oh |
Kyogre |
Latias |
Latios |
Lugia |
Mesprit |
Mewtwo |
Moltres |
Palkia |
Raikou |
Rayquaza |
Suicune |
Uxie |
Zapdos |
Eeveelution Pokemon Dog Names
No, that’s not a typo. Eeveelution Pokemon are the 8 Pokemon that have evolved from Eevee. Eevee is a dog-like Pokemon that was introduced in Generation One and is known as the Pokemon with the most amount of evolution possibilities.
Many of them look a lot like pups but watch out for Espeon and Vaporeon. Espeon has a lot of cat energy which might upset your pooch and Vaporeon is definitely a fish.
Espeon |
Flareon |
Glaceon |
Jolteon |
Leafeon |
Sylveon |
Umbreon |
Vaporeon |
Pokemon Dog Names According to Your Dog’s Color
We said that it might be helpful to think about what your dog looks like when choosing a Pokemon dog name for them. Naming by Pokemon color is a great idea and there are many adorable names for dogs in each color!
White Pokemon Dog Names
Absol |
Beartic |
Butterfree |
Dewgong |
Foongus |
Frosmoth |
Gardevoir |
Glastrier |
Kirlia |
Litwick |
Meowstic |
Ralts |
Seel |
Shelgon |
Silcoon |
Snom |
Swanna |
Togetic |
Wingull |
Wooloo |
Yellow Pokemon Dog Names
Ampharos |
Combee |
Drowzee |
Electabuzz |
Electivire |
Elekid |
Galvantula |
Hypno |
Jirachi |
Jolteon |
Joltik |
Kakuna |
Lunatone |
Makuhita |
Minun |
Morkepo |
Ninetales |
Numel |
Persian |
Pichu |
Pikachu |
Plusle |
Ponyta |
Psyduck |
Raichu |
Sandshrew |
Sandslash |
Shuckle |
Sunflora |
Sunkern |
Typhlosion |
Zeraora |
Red Pokemon Dog Names
Ariados |
Blaziken |
Charizard |
Charmander |
Charmeleon |
Combusken |
Darumaka |
Delphox |
Deoxys |
Incineroar |
Krabby |
Magikarp |
Magmar |
Octillery |
Pansear |
Paras |
Porygon |
Scizor |
Slugma |
Tepig |
Voltorb |
Black Pokemon Dog Names
Carkol |
Claydol |
Coalossal |
Darkrai |
Duskull |
Gengar |
Necrozma |
Rolycoly |
Unown |
Brown Pokemon Dog Names
Bibarel |
Bidoof |
Bonsly |
Bouffalant |
Buneary |
Cubone |
Diglett |
Fearow |
Furret |
Hoothoot |
Kabuto |
Kabutops |
Mudbray |
Noctowl |
Nuzleaf |
Patrat |
Pidgeotto |
Pidgey |
Piloswine |
Raticate |
Seedot |
Sentret |
Shroomish |
Slakoth |
Staryu |
Trapinch |
Vulpix |
Weedle |
Zigzagoon |
Grey Pokemon Dog Names
Aggron |
Anorith |
Aron |
Espurr |
Geodude |
Golem |
Graveler |
Kubfu |
Lairon |
Machamp |
Machoke |
Machop |
Onix |
Rhydon |
Rhyhorn |
Steelix |
There are so many amazing Pokemon dog names for every breed out there. Which one are you going to call your pup (let us know the breed too!)?

I’m Charlotte, a content and copywriter from the North of England and currently living in Berlin. Animals have always been a huge part of my life, so writing about dogs is a total pleasure! I love all kinds of dogs and their cheeky personalities, but I’d have to say Weimaraners are my favourite!